Changing Perspective
I am so present to the many times in the past that I’ve had sand kicked up in my eyes and how it always seemed to slow me down. My only seemingly appropriate action back then was to wipe my eyes with the back of my hand and perhaps from time to time with even a tissue.
Habits are often, sadly, too challenging to let go or so it seemed to me at the time. For years it went on like that. Same routines over and over… Gosh, looking back how boring I must’ve seemed to others, cause I sure hadn’t had my sights on myself back then. Back then it was always about others.
Thank Goodness for learning to be Self -Compassionate , small steps at first, those brought the biggest smiles, and still do. Even today, when I fall back into my ol’ ways of Be-ing, I smile as I catch myself. it becomes a little game I play with myself. When I’m in it, I’m in it and have to remind myself of the games. Hey , what ever works for you, that one does for me !! Dancing in the rain never hurt either!
It wasn’t until I took my power back, that I was able to let go of my old boring blue umbrella. I purchased a brand new colorful floral one, the kind that actually reminds you of Spring and the beauty of new beginnings. I was the girl who never took risks so I always played it safe and by the rule book, then followed up by calling myself some name like “fool” as I got burnt… again and again. or rather allowed myself to be. Never realized back then.
Today, I laugh at that stranger in the photo albums I see. I hardly recognize her at all these days. Actually, I am proud of her, of Me!! I say that as I remind myself that as I “change the way I look at things, the way I look at things change.” . I heard if from Wayne Dyer, who heard it from……?…. I finally got ‘sick and tired of being sick and tired!’ It was this statement which had me expand into who I am today and how I’ve come to serve.
I finally did open that umbrella. I still have it. It was beautiful and it had me feel good. Such vibrant colors!! I’ve since changing my perspective to trust the cleansing water as I laugh , smile and dance at the beauty of self discovery and joy . I really get the beauty of being able to reflect that in and to another is an amazing experience.
As Life expands and grows , I continue to expand in joy. I am grateful for all my experiences , no matter how big or small, it’s all part of the journey for sure.
Side note:
I never did choose to take my head out of the sand…. instead, I learned to dig deeper and wider and found a well spring of life and peace which washed away the sands and pains of time.
I’ve come to LOVE MY LIFE! Life is good and as always, grateful. It began with a single step and decision to change my perspectives.
Karen Rudolf
Changing thoughts, changing lives!
As a catalyst for change I take my clients through a journey of self discovery, personal freedom, happiness. This results in living a more fulfilled more passionate, higher performance life. Since Love comes in many sizes ,there is no one size fits all , whether Equine Connections or one to one, each encounter is a unique experience . You are a unique individual.