How One Decision Changed the Course of my Business FOREVER!
Recently I had a huge reflection on where I started years ago.. and how much ONE DECISION has changed the course of my business FOREVER.
Years ago when living the life of a people pleaser, I’d do my 6-hour carpooling day, come home one hand stir the pot on the stove, be the homework helper at the kitchen table, disciplinarian only to hear my former come in and say why isn’t the house cleaned?? OUCH!
The next day I’d drop the children off after 3 hours, at 3 different schools only to come home and begin cleaning for 2 hours to turn around and do my 3-hour pick-up routine. 9x out of 10 we’d have some after-school activity to run to only to come home stir the pot, and be the homework helper at the kitchen table…. A vicious cycle.
I so vividly remember I’d begin straightening up the Family Room, the first and biggest room to be seen. I’d pick up things from the floor and whatever my hands would hold, I’d bring them into the associated rooms. In the last room I’d end up with, I’d begin straightening up from the floor up, find something that went into another room, and before I knew it, 2 hours of feeling as if I never stopped only to have the home look like I never touched it!! “What’s wrong with this picture?”, I’d ask.
Fast forward, I was stuck within my head, yes I too get stuck from time to time, and I am grateful to have an amazing Coach that supports me greatly.
I believed I’d been stuck because I wasn’t disciplined enough because I was attempting to manage all parts of my life and add something new too, My time, go figure!
In front of the group she laughed, “Karen you are the most disciplined person I know, you show up consistently, you’re the first person in with your assignments, you’re the first on the calls, that’s pretty disciplined in my book, you actually inspire us all.”
Wow! Was that me, so maybe I’m disciplined in not every area of my life?? Could that be a thing?? Now, I set out self-reflecting, seeking evidence, and low and behold I remembered carrying things from one room to another. Had I made a pile and focused on one room, one thing at a time I’d get so much more done within my business and my life.
Through this simple lesson, and self-reflective time, my focus and prioritizations expanded and I began time blocking and getting more managed in a shorter period of time and had time for…. Yes, you got it…ME!