The other day while on my Mastermind Group Call, our Coach put us into break-out rooms. While in the room with one of my fellow Coaches, she’d asked what was holding me back that day.
After doing this work for many years, I know the best way through it is to be incredibly honest with myself and lean in, otherwise, I’d keep getting more of the same before I spiral down that deep dark hole.
I’ve invested way too much time, energy, and money to create the magic in my life to go down any rabbit hole at this moment in time. If / when I begin to trip over a whole, I have enough tools to support me in my tool chest and the plethora of support around me, especially in a Mastermind!!
I’d mentioned to my her, both of us Coaches, mind you, that I’d been tired and felt as if I was scattered in thought this day, not getting much done and without skipping a beat, she validated me with, ‘oh I see you’re unfocused and hadn’t prioritized your day.’ …resulting in my disorganization.
That evening, I reached out to my Coach, Thank you, Simone!
I was feeling in the space of prioritizing, which came first the chicken or the egg? Interestingly enough, The older version of Karen would’ve asked for the” how do I do something, where do I start?”
Today’s version of me asked ….’what question would support the shift in movement?’
The first question would be what is this choice creating
Sometimes we can want to make it feel good versus knowing that sometimes the feel-good comes later
Or we can ask what are we aware of here?
That evening, I reflected on the thought of how I would close that gap. As I normally block my time and manage things from that point, last minute shifting my schedule to accommodate a gym workout.
When I returned… was when I found myself all over, scattered and full of energy! So less got accomplished that day.
I hadn’t beat myself up, I hadn’t judged myself nor made myself wrong, I simply asked a different question to get a better answer to the result I wanted.
I acknowledge how far I’ve come on my personal growth journey to be Blessed with the support I’ve created around myself to keep myself lifted such that I get to lift others in the space.
For me, My Coaching career is NOT a hobby, it’s a way of being that has allowed me to serve by asking deeper questions and trusting myself!
I got this and so will you!!