My body Screamed before I got the many lessons & I’m grateful
After 4 weeks of consistently showing up at the gym and beginning to feel ‘human’ again, fewer aches… yeah, getting there !!! I got present to how I had been showing up for myself.
It’s said the way we do anything is the way we do everything, so I am always looking across other areas of my life, where might I apply these lessons???
As a Coach/ Mentor/ Teacher, I’ve tended to put everyone else first. Working from home I had been sitting too long in front of the computer, marketing, creating, planning, and client calls. Zoom life! Sitting! My body began screaming! Ouch!!!!
So, believing I would be supporting myself, I joined the gym. Over the course of several months ago, I got up at 5 am and showed up every day for the machine workout. Hired a coach to show me the initial ropes as I am a believer in investing in my health and well-being, so this time was no different.
Alone to do it on my own after a time, I injured my leg. An exercise repeated over and over without changing it up causes stress on the joint. And that it did! Lesson learned: Change up the routine!! And oh yeah…. Stretch! Stretch often.
After that incident, going back to the gym, I slept in and choose the class route. One day a week was all that fit into my schedule, and after doing that for a time, a lesson learned: one day a week is like a tease or a tickle!
After realizing and reviewing my commitment to myself and my screaming body, I choose to go more often, every day as a matter of fact! Curiously enough, I had blocked the times of the classes and marked them as Free Time, in case a client called during those times…
BOOM! A client called and all of a sudden … was this a tad of resentment inching up??? Hum, had no one to blame but myself!!! How committed am I to my health and well-being actually as I was in pain at home and now at the gym??
I did have to laugh at myself and later blocked off ‘ME” time! As a reformed people pleaser, there is no guilt, there is no shame, if I can’t or won’t take care of myself, how can I possibly give to you? Not fully.
Week 4, showing up every day at the gym, eating better, energized, meeting amazing folk, and still managing my clients!
I am just as important and over the years, I’ve come to learn to love me AND take care of me because… I too …. Am worth it!