As part of an International Creativity Community, one of my first experiences was in Portland Oregon where one of my clients asked me to join his community one of the first combining, Spiritual & Creativity called ‘the Journey’, I felt I’d fit right in!
While there I was a bit intimidated by the artists there as I believed I wasn’t creative …enough. I was too busy comparing myself to those around me… Bad move!
My hobbies were sculpting and pottery. After many years of playing with it back in the NYC Village area, I’d put on my headsets and jam while I played, never considering it art, it was playing for me.
I shied away from that aspect of Creativity while there and joined other aspects and speaker groups. At one point in time, the lead artist, Whitney Freya, came up to me and asked why I wasn’t participating, and shyly, I told her I wasn’t an artist.
She laughed and told me I could paint and she’d teach me over Zoom. I laughed and mentioned, once more, that I am not a painter (before I knew any differently, I insisted I couldn’t paint, I ‘worked with my hands” I’d made jewelry, needlework, crafty things & I wasn’t an artist, she laughed.
With her much persistence, she proved me wrong, over zoom, 3 sessions and I created my first painting back when.
Today, I leave it out in my office now to remind myself of the huge lessons life always seems to pass our way. Never say never! At least until you’ve given it an attempt.
We are ALL creative and have abilities, it seems to me like most things in life, practice makes mastery. You are your own Master for sure! If you choose to be!
You never know what one encounter may lead you.
💐 Never compare yourself to others,
💐 YOU are the gift to yourself.
💐 Be a Yes to life and give it a go.
💐 Might discover something new and enjoyable!
Be open and receptive to opportunities when they come knocking at your door!!