Courage often ...

Courage often requires BEing Vulnerable

Often being vulnerable isn’t the easiest place to be. We never know how our vulnerability will be received or the impact it may have on others let alone, ourselves.
It appears, the more vulnerable I allow myself to be, the more I step into the world of authenticity.  Living my Truth ,allows me to feel as sense of Freedom and another level of Peacefulness
We all have our personal points of views. I no longer expect others to align or agree with mine as I get to accept that others simply have other points of views based on their past experiences. Another’s’ point of view isn’t either right or wrong, just different. I get to choose to peek over the top and try on, darn the cloth for awhile, so to speak and see if it works for me. If it’s a comfortable fit, I’ll take it on as part of my new truth for a while and remold my expanding personal lessons on truth while discarding the rest which doesn’t serve me and my values. 
I am open to new opportunities to listen, observe and decide  if it will be a good fit for myself or not. I don’t hold on to the self righteousness of view points. If I am always choosing to expand, it becomes more of a curiosity for me. More like the curiosity of a child, the un-attachment and wonder in life. This way I become the explorer. The adventurer, Fun seeker!
Stepping out of my comfort zone hasn’t always the easiest, the challenges and lessons have been worth their weight in gold. Often Sucks going through it, and we always seem to get through it don’t we? 
Whenever it feels like there is no way out, there is Always a way through.
I’ve learned to be open, expansive and choosing to shift those area’s of life which no longer serve me. People show up to support what I am up to in that vulnerability not due to sadness or pity, rather from heart. There seems to be a certain level of trust and a draw coming from being vulnerable, a level of relatability.  
I am open to receiving all the good life has to offer now. It’s become exciting! I either accepted or not. Resinated with or not… I AM who I AM , who I AM! I do not have to change for anyones acceptance. Seems to me my past doesn’t define who I am as a person, this includes life’s circumstances. 
Therefore, My decisions in the present moment defines who I am and where I am taking those choices here and now. There is so much freedom in that space. It’s when we stay attached to the old ways of being, old thoughts, beliefs and behaviors which life had us stuck or stopped on.  Or when we couldn’t figure out the “why” of life.
See things newly, finding others who share similar stories, we all have them and we all have the choices to shift our stories into a positive joyous way of living. What feels good for one person will not necessarily feel good for another. That’s the Beauty of the World twirling in which we live… Choose being authentic any day. You no longer have anything to prove to anyone!
How might you be twirling and spinning in your life?? Spinning out of control or spinning with arms open wide with joy? The decision is always our own. Enjoy the journey !

Karen Rudolf

Changing thoughts, changing lives!
As a catalyst for change I take my clients through a journey of self discovery, personal freedom, happiness.   This results in living a more fulfilled more passionate, higher performance life. Since Love comes in many sizes ,there is no one size fits all , whether Equine Connections or one to one, each encounter is a unique experience . You are a unique individual.

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