Speaking volumes & What's love...


“Let your dreams be bigger than your fears, your actions louder than your words, and your faith stronger than your feelings”- Unknown
I came upon this quote, and I couldn’t help but stop and take notice. It spoke volumes to me. My mind immediately wanted to tear it a part or in retrospect would’ve read it and moved on many moons ago. 
Too often I think too much, challenging at times to slow it down. Then, there are those times that I get sucked into that vortex of not thinking enough. I”m distracted, multitasking, having a momentary meltdown.. (I’m grateful they’re rare to happen, doesn’t serve me any longer when they do… Please remind me who I am!!!! Thank you! Thank you ! Thank you!)
Hum, my whole philosophy behind TranquilSoULutions is about changing thoughts. ‘When I change the way I look at things, the way I look at things change.’ ~( some thing along this effect of Wayne Dyer’s quote inspired me).. I’ve changed it a bit into my own words so I may own it, internalize it, and now I live it . There’s much freedom and peace for me there. Here is where I believe in myself. 
I’m not depending on anyone to live it for me, be it, do it. It’s my dream. It’s easier to fulfill one’s dreams, passions and purposes.  That’s a large part of the the message I wish to ripple into the world… you’re able too as well! 
Support is here for you. If not here, find it, seems to me we aren’t meant to be doing this journey alone. Thus, the tour guide. Find yours!
“Let my Dreams be Bigger than my Fears, my Actions louder than my Words, and my Faith Stronger than your Feelings
LET: Allow yourself to dream and imagine, what if??
Your Dreams : Yours and no one else ,
Be BIGGER: imagination goes wild , splashing color everywhere . Beauty lives here for you and will warm your heart.
Fear’s, only fear is of your thoughts and the meaning I give them, so if you change your thoughts…
Actions:  Speak louder than words… forward momentum, move! Take one tiny step closer, than before you know it.. you’ve made progress!
Faith:  trusting and aligning the inner and outer worlds support your actions.
Feelings: check in with yourself. It’s your internal GPS guidance. Feel the moment and not make it bigger than your Faith.
Reading it this way might certainly shift perception closer towards that which you desire.  Remembering it always returns to Love. What had you read into it? Inquiring minds…

What's Love got to do with it?

"Everyone says love hurts, and that is not true. Loneliness hurts. Rejection hurts. Losing someone hurts. Envy hurts. Everyone gets these things confused with love, but in the reality love is the only thing in the world that covers up all pain and makes someone feel wonderful again. Love is the only thing in the world that does not hurt.”-Liam Neeson

I love the context in which Liam Neeson depicts and often, no matter who we are, loss hurts. rejection hurts, leaving hurts.  Through the pain it may often become a greater strength depending on what filter you decide to view life through. 
Through strength comes another level of Being often bigger than you’ve known yourself to be prior and choose to push through the pain. 
Seems to me forgiveness of self and others often brings joy. Letting go of the grievances also allows the light to shine in. A new beginning and an open space for more of life to enter. Many good things, may bring challenges as well. Both bring experiences which have us grow again depending on our perceptions or ideas about the way we believe life should be. I enjoy the idea of flexibility and not putting meaning to anything. By being in these shifts of energy, you are now able to decide to respond to life rather than react to it. Worked for the body. Why not the mind or emotions?
Being creatures of a strong desire to love and be loved, seems to me that we seek a level of equilibrium in our lives similar to fluid, like a flowing river. BE-ing in the flow. Not much will change or shift out there other than ourselves. The only thing we actually have choices over. 
“Love is the only thing in the world that covers up all pain and makes someone feel wonderful again. Love is the only thing in the world that does not have to hurt.” 
To Be in the presence of love, might only choose to look in the mirror! Love is kind! When you choose to see it that way.

Karen Rudolf

Changing thoughts, changing lives!
As a catalyst for change I take my clients through a journey of self discovery, personal freedom, happiness.   This results in living a more fulfilled more passionate, higher performance life. Since Love comes in many sizes ,there is no one size fits all , whether Equine Connections or one to one, each encounter is a unique experience . You are a unique individual.

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